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Our office focuses on the tax needs of people. That means that more than 80% of our tax preparation involves individual taxes (Form 1040) and associated state tax returns. While we certainly prepare taxes for trusts, partnerships, and corporations, our mindset is that we are performing work for a person who happens to own a business or who established a trust. Our services also commonly include FINCEN foreign account reporting, estate transfer tax returns, gift tax returns, and many specialized tax returns. We do most of our work for clients in Central Oregon, but our client base quite literally spans the country, from Alaska to Florida, from San Diego to New York City.

The tax law landscape has changed significantly over the past five years, and we believe our exclusive focus on taxation is vital to helping our clients navigate these many changes.

Taxes are an important consideration in your personal finances, but they are only one part of your overall picture. When we talk taxes with you, we strive to take a holistic approach to your financial situation and your long-term needs.

When you have an unexpected event occur during the year, you don't want to wait until the February through April tax filing season to figure out the tax consequences of that event. We are available year round to address your pressing concerns, to strategize, and to make sure you take the right steps to minimize your taxes in a way that also best sets you up for the long run.

At this time we are not taking new clients beyond a few each year who have been referred to our office. We seek to provide a high level of personalized service, and we believe the best way we can do so is by keeping our growth in check.



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